Game Flex Studio is exploring all the variation a stick character can achieve. Innovating it’s dynamics & workability in the gameplays. Children in their teenage are quite fascinated by the concepts of momentum, body movements & inertia in adventure sports like biking, fighting and shooting games. Also it’s easy for them to draw and relive the moment. They might want to create fan art which in this case will be quite easy.
Game Flex Studio have produced games like stickman warrior supreme stickman, stickman battle fight, stickman annihilation, stickman ragdoll, stickman destruction, stickman archer and many more. We believe in the complexity of simplicity. Simple stick characters can also ignite the same emotions & adrenaline rush as any other 3d game & we have been having a great time innovating our thought processes & operations from simplest of the ideas. You’ll see a new Game Flex Studio soon this winter. Stay tuned!